Friday, July 3, 2009

Copenhagen International School

So I guess I should really tell you about yesterday, but the insanity that ensued today is much more fun. But, as for yesterday anyway, Dr. Larison and I went to 2 places in Sweden, Lund and Malmo. Can I just say, I LOVE SWEDEN!! It is so amazing there. Dr. Larison and I did lots of tours of castles and churches, ohh and lots of walking but that's definitely the norm here, and I even got him to do some shopping! Of course we had to stop at his favorite bakery imbetween as well. It was tons of fun though, we had a great time.

Today I met Melissa at Copenhagen International School. She asked me if I'd like to join a field tirp she was taking 11 of her summer school students on. Of course, I obliged! I was super pumped about hanging out with these kids, they are from all over the world! First, all of the students made it to class and then we had to find all of the food we were taking along for the picnic. We made it with all 11 students to the train station and to the landing where our train was suppose to leave from! Melissa needed to buy clipper tickets so I had all of the students with me. The language difference was quite powerful and I kept having to say Stop in different ways to get the students not to get on the wrong train, thankfully, we all survived that. We were 1 minute from arrival and one student takes off running! Melissa and I yell WAITTTT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! He turns as he is running and says, THEY CHANGED IT!! We immediately knew then sent all of the students hurdeling through the train station. The train had switched platforms and was already at the station ready to leave. I'm not exactly sure how we rounded up 11 students who speak very little, if any, English ran them through the train station and made the train, but we did it!! When finally on the train I had the opportunity to talk with more students before busseling them out the door at the next stop. What a treat! We arrived at the beach, played with the parachute, splashed in the water, and ate cake, fruit salad and rolls that the students had prepared.

The fun part was returning. Unfortunately I did not convey the correct time to Melissa and we eneded up leaving the beach at the time we needed to be at the train station. I took off with a group of student who were ready and the rest followed along. Thankfully they knew their way around pretty well, or at least remembered how we got to the beach. When we arrived back at Hellerup station Melissa had to run with one student all the way back to school because she was suppose to be in a cheerleading presentation at the time we were stepping off of the bus. So, yet again, here I am with 10 students who don't speak English. Frantic handwaving, stop, no, and gestures work quite well if you ever happen to be in this situation. All of the students and myself made it successfully back to CIS! I was quite proud.

The best part though was along the way I got to talk with a few students. One especially, her name was Victoria. She was a very sweet girl and wanted to know all about my pets. However, it took a little disifering to really figure out what kind of pets each of us had, yet again, scattagories is great practice for this situation!

Just another day at the beach .....

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