Sunday, October 27, 2013

Preg Testing Cows & Learning about Jesus

As a teacher, one of my objectives in my own classroom is to ensure that I take advantage of “teachable moments” as they arise in my classroom. To be fair, I try to take on the same thought process in my own life. I find it peculiar how God chooses to speak to me some days and yesterday was one of those days.
            Living in Montana has been an interesting change for my life. Although I grew up in what I would consider a rural area I have come realize that Montana is much more rural than anywhere I have ever lived. On top of that, I have learned that I have fully adjusted to living in a more urban area over the past few years of my life. Even so, God has chosen this rural way of life to teach me a lot about my life, my desires, and Him.
Yesterday I was at a neighbors ranch while they were administering pregnancy tests on a couple hundred cows. They had informed me this activity should be a part of my “Montana experience.” I was by no means certain this should be a part of any “experience.” But, I followed along. As I sat there watching each cow being herded  down a narrow chute, into a contraption (I have no clue what that device is called.) that would hold them in place while the veterinarian had the not so pleasant job of seeing if each female cow is currently carrying a baby, my mind drifted off to other places. As the cows are herded through the narrow chute they are slightly perturbed. At the end of the chute is the contraption that they must stand enclosed in while the vet checks to see if they are pregnant, a couple of vaccines are given, and information is noted on each individual cow. When they reach this contraption, just beyond one end they can see freedom. Each cow tries to run through this contraption, while the vet quickly closes the gate and traps the cow within it to check her out.
Astonishingly enough I found this to be a lot like our Christian walk. There are times when we have come through a narrow tunnel in life, a challenging place, one where we are poked and prodded, then we see the light at the end of the tunnel and want to run! Run for freedom, run to escape the challenges we have been facing, just run! Then, a door slams, right in front of our face, trapping us inside. Or so we think. However, I believe, it is then, in that little tiny amount of time, where God closes a door, before allowing us to see the light at the end of the tunnel, where He is saying, not yet. Not just yet, you aren’t ready, you haven’t learned your lesson, you are going to miss the point, something, just not yet. If we rush through those moments or phases, simply focused on what’s at the other end of that tunnel, we can miss an important lesson. A lesson that God fully intended us to learn through all of that poking and prodding we faced along that narrow chute. Sometimes we are too busy worrying about what’s on the other side, who is going first, or what is behind us (and cows are too) to stop, learn our lesson, and then keep going. When we make it through that challenge, it is then that God can reveal to us the light at the end of the tunnel. The sun we are now not only seeing, but appreciating, following our challenge.
Yesterday was certainly a step outside of my normal, but one in where I did not want to miss what God intended for me to learn. So, as I face challenging situations and circumstances I will simply realize that maybe the light isn’t for me yet, maybe it’s just a reminder to stop and listen to the poking and prodding so I can enjoy the light when I get there.
I  also called my mom last night to inform her of another first I’d had yesterday. That first would be, cow manure on my clothing. I don’t suggest it; it’s not too lovely. J
Be Blessed! 

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